Wednesday, November 18, 2009

moore powder purlease

clicking does stumble upon all sorts of blogs and sometimes you come across one or two that bring sparkles to your eyes.

and then it hurts.


simple,crude reality says:

hey missie,your fabulaso englelisshy is so not fabulaso



i know i know i has been a pain for centuries kay?

what to do…you don’t breathe englelisshy for the past  17 years of your life…what do you expect?

yeah.and you would think its all because you stop reading due to pathetic excuses such as circumstances in life forbids you so

argh!!!! know you have a crisis here so please do SOMETHING about it.

and you know what…


*blink blink*the sweet little voice speaks to you…

don’t worry honey,you know you can…you aren’t dumb…



mr.CHEFfield…(fran’s sexy voice)

doo add zum moore powder to your englelisshy purlease?
