Thursday, December 17, 2009

smallest things

i guess breaking dawn was all over my mind.when i looked at my cousin rachel and her 1 year old child,i was reminded of bella.seriously.

it was so weird!but the feeling got stronger as i looked at her playing and caring for her boy.

i don’t know.maybe she has some similarities with kristen.

image :)


"Sometimes", said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”

i love being with children.

summer is one funny,silly,talkative little girl.


seriously,she talks non-stop but she is just adorable.

some of her epic sentences include

“b is for belly-button”

“pizza wants to eat me”


“summer make friends” (here friends mean all the soft toys on my bed=.=)


you can’t say babies don’t make sense because she does!sometimes she outsmarts us…haha,of course in the dearest child-like ways.

like how she say she can’t go visit her friend in the middle of the night because she is sleeping(though we try to tell her that her friend is awake she still insisted that she’s not)

and,summer is a great singer too.i am amazed by the songs she fav is her monkey song.haha

“no more monkeys..jumping on the bed!”

soooooooo adorable!i really think that she sang least for her age!


all little girls are well aware of their appearance too.we have summer saying she is a pretty girl and priyankka answering to the question where is the beauty…haha.but both are seriously gorgeous babes:)

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i would love to have a small warm hug and a wet kiss from this little angels…so far…hehe