Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a little artist

maha gave me a sweet lil surprise last saturday when i taught her in “sunday school” a.k.a children they accomplished everything early, i allowed my dear girls to draw(they love it), and i gave them the title:what you want God to bless you with(prayer request)

rani,gaytree and sharmila all drew princess dresses..:)but maha did something very different.

she started off with a house and a girl with a princess dress…as she drew, i realised this girl was drawing something really extraordinary.

well,i’ve always love children’s child-like art which are totally original creations of their wild beautiful imagination.and i can see that maha was producing such a master piece.


although perfectionist would agree that this drawing is symmetrically faulty and one dimensional without a sense of realness,but what i see is the colourful world of a seven year old girl…

i recognised all the objects in her picture,even though some of them don’t exactly make sense…a child’s mind is truthful, the world is not always as wonderful as it seems to be, who can say that imperfection isn’t beauty?

true beauty lies within the heart of the observer,not appearance.

anyway, the most shocking thing about her drawing is that, i see my signature drawing in it…

i was like…WOW!she drew hearts with wings.

for me,whenever i draw something,i would include a heart with signifies my inner desire,the true self that awaits the ability to soar without boundaries.

i do not know the hidden meaning behind maha’s ,but she drew a heart blazing with fire as well.

perhaps…its the passion in her…a subconscious cue of something beneath her young tiny frame?

but it did bring tears to my eyes…if she were to be an adult or whoever,i would feel humiliated to have the same drawing…but its darling lil maha..someone i am more than willing to share the symbol of a flying heart:D


i seriously love her drawing.she took much longer to complete her artwork with much concentration…so like an artist..haha


but its good to see her draw..a simple inspiration for me…to open myself to the world of drawing again…

acceptance in the eyes of the world never really does matter to an artist who draws with a soul.

as long as you send that message across, the feeling of being touched by simplicity and sincerity.

Maha is a “life-ly” child,its saddening to see that the world nurtures too many lifeless children.they all lost or are deprived from the greatest gift God gave them,the ability to imagine.

its murder to me.when imaginations are taken away from a child.its a tragedy that adult who lost their imagination when they were young repeat this history unknowingly.


i’m glad to have the opportunity to be among children.its still a blessing.Jesus loves the little children,all the children of the world.

no matter who they are,and will be.


God bless their lovely souls…:)