Monday, October 19, 2009


gosh,anger is seriously the root of all matter what your excuses matter how you justify it.Our Lord can never accept any act that is based solely on judgements.

ye shall not judge

who am i to judge when He never judged me?

was a victim of false judgement.thought it taught me well never to do the same to others.however…emotions overruled like the darkest moonlight to the forsaken werewolf.

you reap what you sow.hatred poured in.bitterness felt.

ish, when i said "i am nice" i was wrong.went out of control for a moment.seriously,the bitterness lingered and filled every single nerve under my skin with a drive of extreme negative force.sort of like some redrawal symptom after consuming,perhaps marijuana?you can’t think well,your hand trembles,you basically act on behalf of the "king of the world"

thus.Forgive me Father for what did,pray for the seed of kindness to grow and manifest daily.and thank you for releasing the locked heart to see what is to be done.