Thursday, October 1, 2009


seriously, i know i don't have the art to live with People. nowadays,people are no longer just people.they have all evolved into a whole new level.
at times, they scare me. at times, i really do not have the energy to decipher what the heck they are trying to do.
yea. tired of there a phobia for this?
thank God i found those who i can trust. as for the rest, God bless them.
in this world, to be kind is to be cruel. why you ask i'm so cold hearted? it is just the way to preserve fragility.
how you perceive reality is seriously something fatal, it is either you choose to live in "the matrix" or you just put away all the rubbish and see from the naked eye what is really around you.
then you will see People.
the best thing is, you can't avoid them, you live with them.
just beware, never to turn into one.
People do not really cherish genuineness, people do.
living with People is something so unbelievably complicated,& i am not a master in it.
and i never want to succumb to it, i would rather die in solitude than betraying my status as a person.