Tuesday, October 27, 2009

best of both worlds

so its alive.

if you understand chinese,would most welcome you to take a look at it…(actually,i’m very proud of it)buahaha…

well,its because my chinese writing ability is definitely better than english.and i tend to be able to express myself very artistically.(which is why i adore it so much)

the blog is basically all abstract…for the artistic effect of course and at the same time concealing the true story behind the emotions…haha.yet,perhaps if you know me well enough,you could decipher it…

yup,instead of studying i spent of time reviving my long forsaken chinese blog called heart’s melody(direct translation)

and oh boy,it looks pretty,although some of its graphics are the same with this blog but the descriptions are all different.(the style is different)

what else can i say.i have the best of both worlds:D

http://heartsandmelody.blogspot.com014 (2)

(from the blog with direct translation)

music and heart


perhaps the distance between hearts is just a note apart, a rest is not giving up, but drawing a complete ending for the melody, as for us..the music plays on forever…